Hrp Callback Functions
These are the HRP library callback functions included in Sample Program 1.1.2 and later.
You can set callback functions that are called when events such as the start and end of speech recognition occur. The callback functions that can be set are as follows: *You don't need to set all of them. Please set and use only the ones you need.
Hrp.feedDataResumeStarted = new function() { ... }
Called when the recording start process begins.
Hrp.feedDataResumeEnded = new function() { ... }
Called when the recording stop process is completed (→ Transitioning to sending voice data).
Hrp.feedDataPauseStarted = new function() { ... }
Called when the recording stop process begins.
Hrp.feedDataPauseEnded = new function(reason) { ... }
Called when speech start is detected.
Hrp.resultFinalized = new function(result) { ... }
Called when recognition is completed.
result: Confirmed recognition result for the speech segment (JSON).
For details, please see Speech Recognition Results in the User Guide.
Hrp.issueStarted = new function() { ... }
Called when the process of obtaining a one-time APPKEY (service authentication key string) begins.
Hrp.issueEnded = new function() { ... }
Called when the process of obtaining a one-time APPKEY (service authentication key string) is completed.
Hrp.TRACE = function(message) { ... }
For debugging purposes. Called when a log output is requested.