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Class Names for User-Registered Words

Retrieves a list of class names for user-registered words.




Please specify the APPKEY in the Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer {APPKEY}

Request Parameters

Parameter Name
Parameter Type
dgnConnection engine nameSpecify the connection engine name such as -a-general. For available values, please see List of Speech Recognition Engines. Set as a path parameter.
adfAudio data formatSpecify either 16k or 8k. If not specified, it defaults to 16k. Although some speech recognition engines support multiple sampling rates, word registration is treated as a different engine for 8k and 16k, so you need to specify one. Set as a query parameter.


On Success

HTTP Status Code: 200 OK

Response Body

Field Name
Additional Information
classnamesClass namesClass names are returned in array format



On Failure

HTTP Status Code: Other than 200

Response Body

Field Name
Additional Information
codeError codeCode indicating the type of error
messageError messageText explaining the details of the error content

Error Codes and Error Messages

HTTP Status Code
Response BodyError Situation
404 Not Found{"code":"?","message":"missing dictation grammar file name"}When the dictation grammar file name <dgn> is not specified
405 Method Not Allowed{"code":"?","message":"POST method is not allowed"}When POST is specified
401 Unauthorized{"code":"-","message":"can't verify service authorization"}When authentication of the APPKEY (service authentication key string) fails
401 Unauthorized{"code":"-","message":"service authorization has expired: <expirationTime> (<expiresIn>)"}When authentication of the APPKEY (service authentication key string) fails
500 Internal Server Error{"code":"?","message":"unexpected exception occurred (<optionalMessage>)"}When an unexpected exception occurs


"message":"missing dictation grammar file name"