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Word Registration on My Page

You can register words from your My Page. This method has some limitations:

  • You can only register up to 1,000 words
  • You cannot register words in languages other than Japanese

When you register words from My Page, the Profile ID automatically becomes your User ID. For example, if your User ID is "user01", the Profile ID will also be "user01". To register words with a Profile ID other than your User ID, please use the User Word Registration API.

You can directly access the word registration on My Page through this link. Login is required to access My Page.

The "Word Registration" page appears as follows:

Below, we explain the steps for word registration on My Page in order.

Steps for Word Registration

You can register one word at a time with its notation and reading. For example, to convert the utterance "とりぷるだぶる" to "WWW", follow these steps:

  1. Log in to AmiVoice API and click [単語登録] on My Page.
  2. In the [エンジン選択] section at the top of the page, select the engine name where you want to register the word. Here, select [-a-general]. After changing the engine, click [決定].
  3. Select the [直接入力で新規登録] tab in the middle of the page, enter "WWW" in [表記] and "とりぷるだぶる" in [読み].
    • If there is no suitable class for the word you want to register, leave the [クラス] unselected. We don't select anything here.
  4. Click the [追加登録実行] button.
  5. Next, follow the steps in Testing Word Registration to perform speech recognition. The recognition result should include the notation "WWW".

Fig. Word list after registration


You can register multiple words at once from a text file.

First, prepare a file containing the list of words you want to register.

File Format
  • The file supports UTF-8, Shift_JIS, and EUC-JP character encodings.
  • Write one word per line in the file. Each line should contain the notation, reading, and class in that order, separated by tabs.
  • The reading can be written in either katakana or hiragana.
  • The class is optional. However, for the name engine, specifying a class is mandatory.
  • If you omit the class, the second tab can be present or absent.

Here's an example file (download) we'll use:

www     とりぷるだぶる
www とりぷるだぶりゅー
wwww ふぉーだぶる
  1. Log in to AmiVoice API and click [単語登録] on My Page.
  2. In the [エンジン選択] section at the top of the page, select the engine name where you want to register the words. Here, select [-a-general]. After changing the engine, click [決定].
  3. Click the [ファイルを選択] button in the [ファイルから新規登録] tab in the middle of the page.
  4. Select the dictionary.tsv created in step 1.
  5. Click either [追加登録実行] or [上書き登録実行].
  • When you [追加登録実行], it adds the words described in the file without affecting the already registered words.
  • When you [上書き登録実行], it deletes all already registered words and replaces them with the words described in the file.
  1. You can confirm that the words described in the text are displayed in the list.


You can export the registered words for each engine and save them to a file.

  1. Log in to AmiVoice API and click [単語登録] on My Page.
  2. In the [エンジン選択] section at the top of the page, select the engine name for which you want to export words. Here, select [-a-general]. After changing the engine, click [決定].
  3. Click [ファイル書き出し] in the [変更・削除] section at the bottom of the page.
  4. You can download a file named data.tsv.